
No Description Available INCI Name: Silanetriol Arginate Ingredient Functions: Lipolytic, Skin Elasticity, Skin Firming, Slimming Ingredient Categories: Silanols Download the PDF Request a...


No Description Available INCI Name: Siloxanetriol Alginate (and) Caffeine (and) Buylene Gylcol Ingredient Functions: Lipolytic, Skin Elasticity, Skin Firming, Slimming Ingredient Categories: Silanols Download the PDF Request a...


PHYCO-DERM® Takes care of the delicate area around the eyes Stimulates the major defense systems for increasing resistance against environmental stressors. Improves the dermis properties for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles of crow’s feet. Minimizes the...

Phykosil S

Asparagopsis armata is a red alga (Rhodophycea: family of Bonnemaisoniaceae). Phykosil S is a cell extract from young plantlets of the Asparagopsis armata.  At first, the aim was to put in place processes of culture then to extract the intracellular biologically...


QI GUARD is a unique combination of two red seaweeds that offers skin benefits through multiple ways of performance to fortify cellular defense and repair capacities to encourage healthier skin aging INCI Name: ​water (and) Kappaphycus alvarezii extract (and)...


GELYMA has developed a seaweed alternative to retinol named RETYL® based on the stimulation of retinol metabolism at several levels, leading to remarkable performances against ageing effects. RETYL® can provide the same positive results against skin ageing than those...